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because every business
needs a superhero team

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Full-service design and video delivered within 48-hours

20x faster than hiring internally

our talented team of designers have worked with

we design anything, for anyone. no strings attached...


Do you value time and efficiency? So do we! Guarenteed work delivered within 48 hours


Need a pitch deck for your investor presentation? We’ve been producing pitch decks for years, some of whom have landed us some seriously big clients... it is one of our specialities!


Need ongoing design help? We’ve curated streamlined solutions to ensure each design request is made speedily and to a high standard


Working on your newest venture? We can produce branding that fits your needs.

Luckily, we only use our superpowers for good

Al Ahli

Al Ahli

The brief was to develop a social media advertising campaign to promote the brand new kit launch of Al Ahli to their fans and the wider press/news outlets.



The brief was to develop a series of video adverts for use on social media to promote and activate users into the TikTok application across European audiences.​

Dubai Holding x Cristiano Ronaldo

Dubai Holding x Cristiano Ronaldo

The brief was to develop a social media advertising campaign to announce the Asayel in Madinat Jumeirah Living, in collaboration with Cristiano Ronaldo



The brief was to develop an engaging social media campaign to promote Nike’s new Mercurial Football Boot range. Drawing on the unique lightweight characteristics of the boot, enabling wearers to run like leopards.

Yacht Club London

Yacht Club London

The brief was to make a distinct, multi-purpose logo that was was instantly recognisable and could be used at all events and functions.

Al Ahli

Al Ahli

The brief was to develop a social media advertising campaign to promote the brand new kit launch of Al Ahli to their fans and the wider press/news outlets.

Yacht Club London

Yacht Club London

The brief was to make a distinct, multi-purpose logo that was was instantly recognisable and could be used at all events and functions.

Dubai Holding x Cristiano Ronaldo

Dubai Holding x Cristiano Ronaldo

The brief was to develop a social media advertising campaign to announce the Asayel in Madinat Jumeirah Living, in collaboration with Cristiano Ronaldo

Yacht Club London

Yacht Club London

The brief was to make a distinct, multi-purpose logo that was was instantly recognisable and could be used at all events and functions.



The brief was to develop a series of video adverts for use on social media to promote and activate users into the TikTok application across European audiences.​

Yacht Club London

Yacht Club London

The brief was to make a distinct, multi-purpose logo that was was instantly recognisable and could be used at all events and functions.

Al Ahli

Al Ahli

The brief was to develop a social media advertising campaign to promote the brand new kit launch of Al Ahli to their fans and the wider press/news outlets.



The brief was to develop a series of video adverts for use on social media to promote and activate users into the TikTok application across European audiences.​

Dubai Holding x Cristiano Ronaldo

Dubai Holding x Cristiano Ronaldo

The brief was to develop a social media advertising campaign to announce the Asayel in Madinat Jumeirah Living, in collaboration with Cristiano Ronaldo

Our superpowers

You can choose any and ALL of our services to fit your specific needs.

Based on your tier-package, you can have up to 2 design requests on-going at any time.

Don't have a brief?
Need to build a creative strategy?

brand guidelines
social posts
email graphics
digital ads
pitch decks
business cards
mobile apps
Delivered every 2-3 business days, Monday - Friday.
Your designer will keep making revisions until you’re satisfied.
Stop at
any time
Got all the power you need for now? Pause or cancel at any time.
Elite designers
No offshore talent here. We’re a small, seasoned team.
Scales with you
Add more designers when you need them.
& easy
No meetings means more design team. We stay focused.
No contracts
We don’t do SOWs, contracts, or any long-term agreements.
Affordable pricing
Top-tier talent without breaking the bank.

affordable design superheroes at your service, any time, for every project

why having an on-demand design subscription, just makes more sense

Pause anytime you want, no contracts, no cancellation fees

Have all the work desired for one month? Pause your subscription until you are ready to start again.

The remaining days you have out of the total 31 day will carry over to the next month you resume your subscription.

Design requests delivered within 48 hours of submission

Once you have placed your request, we will deliver the work within 2 business days.

We work through each request you make one at a time to ensure quality

Unlimited design & video requests each and every month!

Not only do you get unlimited revisions on the each design request.

We give you unlimited design requests each month. Meaning you can  use us to churn out as much content as possible.

Our quick turn around on design deliverables, coupled with unlimited requests ensures your guaranteed ROI


power up your business with your very own superhero team

Got any questions?
We have the answers.

Number of requests at a time
Number of designers avaliable
Delivery Time
Cancellation Policy
Digital & Social Content
Web Designs & Landing Pages
Video Editing
Pitches & Presentations
7-Day Trial
Get started
1 request
Total credit limit
1 senior designer
Individual user analytics
Money back guarentee
Pro Plan
Get started
Number of users
2 requests
Total credit limit
2 senior designers
Individual user analytics
Behaviour analytics
Money back guarentee
Daily reports
Weekly reports
Monthly reports
Custom reports

Got any questions?
We have the answers.

our talented team of designers have worked with

Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to get set up?

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Once you’ve completed sign-up and subscribed, you’ll receive your account log-in details and you’ll be able to start submitting design requests instantly through the app or via email. It typically it takes around 24hrs for us to get you set up with your designer and to get them working on your requests.

Why wouldn't I just hire a full-time designer?

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Why settle for a single hero when you can have a superhero team at your service? The question of hiring a full-time designer comes with a hefty price tag—well over $100,000 annually, not to mention the challenge of finding an available senior-level designer. But fear not, for Dynamic Duo is here to be your business's superhero squad.

Our monthly plan offers the flexibility you need. Pause and resume your subscription as often as necessary, ensuring you only pay for the design prowess when you have projects that demand their superhero-level skills. With Dynamic Duo, cost-efficiency meets elite design expertise, giving your business the superhero treatment it deserves.

Is there a limit to how many requests I can have?

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Once subscribed, you're able to add as many design requests to your queue as you'd like, and they will be delivered one by one. Our superhero team will deliver them with precision, one by one, ensuring each project receives the meticulous attention it deserves.

How fast will I receive my designs?

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On average, most requests are completed in no time - just two days or less. However, more complex requests can take longer.

Are you outsourcing work to freelance sites or overseas?

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Absolutely not. We don’t outsource work overseas and we don’t use freelance sites or market places. All of our designers are in-house.

What if I am not happy with my designs?

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How dare you! Just kidding. You can send it back to the kitchen and we'll keep revising until it's exactly what you're looking for.

How does the pause feature work?

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We recognise that your design needs may not occupy an entire month. If you currently have only a couple of design requests, Dynamic Duo has a solution – the power to pause your subscription.Our billing cycles operate on a 31-day period.

For instance, imagine you sign up, actively use our service for 21 days, and then opt to pause your subscription. In this superhero move, the billing cycle halts, and you retain 10 days of service to be utilized at your discretion in the future. With Dynamic Duo, flexibility is your superpower.

We're an agency, can we use Dynamic Duo?

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Absolutely. We love working with agencies and would love to talk to you about how we can help you.

We work particularly well with marketing agencies who are currently outsourcing their design work to freelancers, branding agencies who want to free up their lead designers from small design tasks that create a bottleneck and any agency using non-designers to create their graphics for their own social media channels. (There’s a lot of them about). We’re not here to replace your existing designers, we’re here to offer an affordable, low risk solution to help you design at scale.

I'm a freelancer, can I use Dynamic Duo?

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Yes! We love helping freelancers scale up their design output. If you have a large project that requires a heavy amount of small graphic design tasks, you can focus on the larger areas of the project and we can help you work through the small stuff and reduce the time you spend designing until the twilight hours trying to meet deadlines.

How do I submit design requests?

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Dynamic Duo unleashes a multitude of flexible options for submitting your design requests through our Trello platform.

Some common ways clients request designs is directly on Trello, sharing Google docs or wireframes, or even recording a voicenote for those who prefer a more expressive brief. In essence, if it can be linked to or shared in Trello, consider it fair game.

What if I only have a single request?

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That's fine. You can pause your subscription when finished and return  when you have additional design needs. There's no need to let the remainder of your subscription go to waste.

Is there any design work you don't cover?

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Certainly! While Dynamic Duo excels in a vast array of design services, there are a few realms beyond our superhero domain.

We don't currently cover 3D modeling, animated graphics (such as GIFs), document design (for items like medical forms), complex packaging, and extensive print design (including magazines and books).

Rest assured, for the design challenges within our expertise, Dynamic Duo stands ready to conquer and exceed your expectations.

Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?

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Due to the high quality nature of the work, there will be no refunds issued.